the Yoga life


Yoga Poses Yoga Sequencing Teaching Tips Yoga Business

Written by Becca Hewes, ERYT500, C-IAYT

Asana Becca Hewes, ERYT500, C-IAYT Asana Becca Hewes, ERYT500, C-IAYT

Benefits of Trikonasana: A Complete Guide to Triangle Pose

If you are looking for a list of all the possible benefits of Trikonasana, you are in the right place! In this post, I will also cover basic alignment, modifications, and teaching tips.

Although some people try to differentiate between the names Triangle and Extended Triangle, I don’t differentiate this way. I use Extended Triangle as the pose name and label the different versions as modifications, options, or variations. Most teachers refer to this pose as Triangle, but all variations traditionally fall under the name Extended Triangle (Uttihita Trikonasana).

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Yoga Sequencing Becca Hewes, ERYT500, C-IAYT Yoga Sequencing Becca Hewes, ERYT500, C-IAYT

How to Teach a Yoga Class: A Beginner’s Guide to Confident and Effective Teaching

You’ve completed your yoga teacher training and learned about philosophy, anatomy, and asana—but now, you’re faced with the big question: “How do I lead my first class?” You are not alone if you are feeling overwhelmed or unsure. I hear from many new teachers who find themselves in this same position. It takes time to become a confident yoga teacher. The first step is to face the challenge of teaching your first few classes.

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Yoga Sequencing Becca Hewes, ERYT500, C-IAYT Yoga Sequencing Becca Hewes, ERYT500, C-IAYT

Beginner Yoga Lesson Plan: Ideas for the January Rush that Work All Year

It’s almost that time again for yoga and fitness instructors—the New Year’s resolution rush! Every January, I’m happy to see all the new faces, but sometimes my regular students are not as excited. The committed students want a more in-depth practice, while the beginners need the basics. It is a tough situation to manage, and it also arises at other times during the year when venues run ads and promotions. In this post, I will share how I prepare my students for times of influx and ideas for a beginner yoga lesson plan, and I’ll also explain how to adapt the plan for different levels of students.

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Asana Becca Hewes, ERYT500, C-IAYT Asana Becca Hewes, ERYT500, C-IAYT

Everyone Can Experience the Benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana

Explore the benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog) in this detailed guide. Learn variations, modifications, and essential cues to make this vital yoga pose accessible and beneficial for all skill levels. Enhance your practice with expert tips.

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Career and Solopreneurship Becca Hewes, ERYT500, C-IAYT Career and Solopreneurship Becca Hewes, ERYT500, C-IAYT

Yoga Class Advertisement: Ideas for Successfully Promoting Your In-Person Classes

All of us who teach yoga want our classes to build, but sometimes the venue we work with isn’t effectively promoting our offerings. If we are paying rent for space at a studio or business, then the promotion is all our responsibility. Regardless, consistently marketing our classes in the community is the key to long-term success. It is common for a new time slot to take 6 months or even a year to build a consistent clientele. Marketing to everyone you know about your yoga is not effective, and may even annoy your friends. So before taking any action with marketing and advertising, it’s best to create a basic profile of your best clients. In other words, what do you know about your most consistent students?

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Asana Becca Hewes, ERYT500, C-IAYT Asana Becca Hewes, ERYT500, C-IAYT

How to Avoid Yoga Wrist Pain

One of the most common complaints from new yoga students is wrist pain and soreness. Many have not done weight-bearing exercises on their hands before, and it takes time to build up strength. It is important to address wrist pain early to avoid it becoming worse and to prevent long-term issues. In this article, I’ll cover why yoga wrist pain occurs, how to prevent it, and modifications to common poses that place less pressure on the wrists. Those experiencing wrist pain can still practice yoga if they adapt their practice for awhile, allowing their hands and wrists to heal.

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