the Yoga life
Yoga Poses ♢ Yoga Sequencing ♢ Teaching Tips ♢ Yoga Business
Written by Becca Hewes, ERYT500, C-IAYT
Hip Replacement Yoga: Integrating Students after Surgery into Your Yoga Classes
You’ve planned the perfect class and are about to begin when a new student arrives with a hip replacement. This scenario happens more often than in the past. Surgery outcomes have greatly improved over the years, and so younger people are now electing to have the procedure. We aim to be inclusive while also being mindful of safety. Incorporating this younger cohort into our regular classes is doable, as long as our class isn’t a fast moving power flow and/or includes a lot of poses requiring deep ROM (range of motion) in the hips.
Modified Pigeon Pose: Embracing Individual Differences for a Safer Practice
There has always been some controversy around how to teach Pigeon pose, with some teachers focused on specific alignment cues. In my classes, it is clear that everyone cannot place their shin parallel to the front of the mat, and many people cannot square their hips to the front of the mat either. Everyone’s body is unique, and the way that works for one person may be completely wrong for another person.
How to Get a Yoga Teaching Job
When new teachers ask me how to get a job teaching yoga, I always tell them to pick the venues that will work best for their location and schedule before putting in a bunch of applications everywhere. Although it may take a little longer to get a time slot, it will be a job you will more likely love and be able to maintain. Showing up every week is a big commitment. Driving for more than 15 minutes every week to get to and from class is going to get old fast, even if you love the studio.
Teaching Yoga Tips: Alignment Options for the Standing Poses
Although each standing pose has specific alignment cues and options, there are some general guidelines we can follow. In this post, I will cover frequently-asked questions about the position of the feet, the length and width of the stances, and the angles of the knees and hips. New students need to learn where to place their feet and how much to bend their knees and hips. One size does not fit all, so let’s review some of the options we can offer.
Benefits of Natarajasana: Tailoring the Dancer Pose for Mixed-Level Yoga Classes
Given that our students often encounter images of the traditional Dancer pose on social media, there's a common misconception that the pose is entirely out of their reach. In many of the photos, a young person is reaching over their heads and holding their foot, sometimes even cradling their head in the sole of their foot! It’s true, that most of us cannot do this intense version, however there are many modified variations of Dancer Pose that are quite accessible and fun to practice. The benefits of Natarajasana, even for beginners practicing the modified variations, are huge!
Mastering Wide Legged Forward Bend: A Guide for Yoga Teachers
Wide Legged Forward Bend is a staple pose that I frequently include in my classes. I always offer modifications because my classes tend to have students of all levels, including those over 50. As teachers we have to quickly evaluate students attending class and make a decision as to what variations of the pose to offer and who might need options. In today’s post, I’m first covering often-asked cueing questions from newer teachers, and then I’ll return to basics and review modifications, benefits, sequencing, and variations.